Saturday, April 6, 2013

Faux Painted Metal Garage Door

A faux painted metal garage door is a great way to achieve the look of beautiful stained wood. There are so many colors to choose from and many combinations of design. Most metal doors have a grain pattern embossed into the metal which runs horizontally across each panel. By having the grain running in one direction makes the job a lot easier, there is no taping off each piece of wood going in opposite directions for this project shown above.

The metal garage door was previously painted so I pressure washed it prior to painting.  I applied   the base coat, Benjamin Moore # 1110 exterior latex paint in satin finish with a brush and roller.
When the base coat has fully dried apply the glaze mixture of 1 part  BM - Charleston Brown exterior latex satin finish with 3 parts of glaze.  A 3 inch brush was used in the direction of the grain.

Start at the top most panel and work from one side to the other. This glaze application gives the door the different variations of undertones in wood. Let the base show threw in some areas and apply the glaze heavier in others. Once the first top panel is completed move onto the next panel and continue.
As your glazing the door glance at the other panels so you don't repeat the same variations.

The final glaze which is a darker brown is applied starting again at the top and working from one side to the other. This application will add deeper wood grain. Again, let each section have its own personality to add interest to the door. The darker glaze will also be applied lighter in areas and darker in others.

Take a look at a piece of real wood and try to duplicate the grain pattern.


  1. It is really a wonderful experience to have read such a fantastic blog. Thanks for giving us such an experience on Metal Garage door painting.

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